November 14, 2022

Michelle’s Story: How I Reclaimed My Life, Health, and Inner Power With Lifeforce

Allie Baker

Michelle Lewis, 52, has always been an adventurer. She’s a self-described “type A go-getter” who’s passionate about her work, the outdoors, and spending time with her husband and friends. In 2020, she had a full life — but she didn’t feel well enough to truly enjoy it. That year was a wakeup call for Michelle. She realized she wasn’t sick, but she wasn’t healthy either. 

“I started to become surrounded by a lot of sickness. My dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer and my husband's mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Conversations about sickness were happening more frequently in my life than ever before. And it scared me,” she says. “It began to highlight the fact that I knew I wasn’t doing well. I was overweight, sluggish, irritable, and stressed.”

How she felt didn’t line up with Michelle’s vision for her life — or herself. “I really wanted to be a better leader in my job, I wanted to be more empathetic, I wanted to build more deep relationships, I wanted my husband and I to enjoy each other, I wanted to be enjoying what I was doing in the moment,” she says. She knew something needed to change to get her there. “I was on a walk one morning with one of my girlfriends, and I said, ‘I have to find a way.’”

That way was Lifeforce. 

Michelle’s Lifeforce Journey

Michelle, who is based in the Bay Area of California, first discovered Lifeforce through following a Scientific and Clinical Advisor on Instagram, and then reading Tony Robbins’ Life Force book. Her next step was becoming a Lifeforce member. 

“When I joined the membership, it took all of this information and distilled it into something that wasn't overwhelming and gave me a path,” she says. Michelle describes her entire Lifeforce experience as “easy.” She says, “For the diagnostic test, they came to me, which was fantastic.” Michelle appreciated that a licensed phlebotomist came to her home, and that she received her blood test results quickly through a convenient online platform. She was able to see her biomarker results in key areas, including hormone balance, metabolic condition, critical nutrients, and organ health. 

“I was able to read through the information and distill for myself what was happening in my body, and to help me prepare for my health conversations,” she says. Then, she met with her Lifeforce physician to talk about her goals and formulate a personalized plan. As a Lifeforce member, she has her biomarkers tested quarterly and regularly consults with her medical team. 

Michelle loves the individualized attention and support she receives from her doctors through video consults. She often sends them questions — everything from “What are the benefits of using a sauna?” to “Why is vitamin D a big deal for my health?”

“I feel like my doctors are my team. I feel like people are really looking at me and talking to me,” she says. “I wasn't a number, I wasn't a statistic. I was a person, I was a woman.” 

Her Results

Since joining Lifeforce in April 2022, Michelle feels more like herself than ever. And after just three months on her Lifeforce plan, (which included diet and exercise recommendations, nutraceuticals* including Omega, Magnesium, DHEA, Peak Healthspan, Peak NMN, Vitamin D, and prescription medications), she began to see significant changes in her biomarkers. “Two areas where I saw the most difference from the first test to the second test were in my blood sugar levels and my cholesterol levels,” she says. “Those were significant decreases and those were super exciting.” 

By her retest, Michelle’s LDL cholesterol was down 27%, her ApoB decreased by 16%, and her fasting glucose decreased by 12%. Her hormone levels saw major improvements as well: Her free testosterone increased by 171% and her DHEA increased by 17%. And, her vitamin D levels went from suboptimal to optimal with a 65% increase.** 

Even more exciting is how Michelle feels in her body and mind. “I've lost weight. I feel like I have more muscle mass. I definitely feel like I have more power in my workouts. When I'm done, I'm less tired. I have an energy level that is back to who I have been my whole life,” she raves. “I feel like my mind is a lot more focused. I can process a lot more information quickly.”

Michelle also has new tools in her toolkit, such as mindfulness and breathing techniques, to help her cope with stress. Before, “I couldn’t get over a hard day,” she says. “And now I feel like I can have stressful moments or a negative situation, and I don’t carry it. I’ve got tools now to help me let go.” 

She says that the people closest to her, like her husband, have noticed her being more patient, empathetic, and happier. “It really is an incredible amount of change.”

Paying It Forward  

This is just the beginning for Michelle and her health journey. “I can't wait to go and figure out how I can add on to the lifestyle I'm already creating,” she says. “I want to spend a ton of time outside. I want to hike faster and better, and feel better after doing activities. I'm really looking forward to watching the rest of my markers improve and just letting this be my new, real life.”

So what would Michelle say to a friend who’s unsure about signing up? “You can really start now, and why wait? Because you can feel good,” she says. “This feels like a gift, and that’s something that I want to pay forward.” 

Ready to feel like your healthiest, happiest, most energized self? Learn more about Lifeforce and join Michelle HERE

This article was medically reviewed by: 

  • Russell Van Maele, DO, ABIM Board Certified in Internal Medicine 

  • Vinita Tandon, MD, ABIM Board Certified in Endocrinology and Metabolism 

*Statements for dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

**Results will vary based on individual medical histories, personalized treatment regimens, lifestyle, and additional factors.