July 29, 2024

Selema Masekela, X Games Host: Prioritizing Health, Longevity, and Joy at 52

Jordan Shakeshaft

With enough charisma to light up the room, he’s the one you gravitate to. The one who, even when no one’s looking, is doing the work. At 52, action sports Renaissance man Selema Masekela is still snowboarding, surfing, skateboarding, and snatching the occasional barbell overhead — not to mention, recently adding cycling to the mix. And when it comes to his day job, the SoCal-based multihyphenate is still about doing more not less — including host, philanthropist, entrepreneur, musician, and actor. 

But it’s Selema’s love of being active that has been the ultimate driver of putting his health and his longevity first. When piecing together his own plan fell short, the X Games host turned to Lifeforce. “Lifeforce has been a game changer for me. The insights I’ve gained via an in-depth analysis of my blood work coupled with a customized health plan, have completely upgraded my approach to health and wellness.” 

The result: More life, more joy, more adventure, more time to make an impact and change the game around him. We sat down with Selema to learn more about his health journey, his goals for the future, and what’s got him more dialed in than ever before. 

What motivated you to get started with Lifeforce?

I’ve been motivated to stay healthy for most of my life because things I love the most involve me being active. Surfing, snowboarding, and skateboarding being at the core of that. However, with a demanding schedule that keeps me on the road a lot, it’s easy to lose motivation to stay disciplined. Couple that with the fact that each day is the oldest I’ve ever been. The natural abilities of my youth are no longer visible in the rear view mirror. Translation: I’d put on a few extra pounds, I was feeling tired literally all of the time, and my confidence in having the ability to show all the way up for life and the sports I love, with the energy I’m known for, was in big doubt.

Lifeforce Member Spotlight Selema MasekelaWhat has been most valuable about your experience with Lifeforce so far?

The one-on-one session with my Lifeforce clinician was a game changer. If I’m being honest, I went into it with a bit of skepticism and some trepidation. I thought it would simply be a clinical evaluation of my blood work data, in which I’d be asked to mostly listen, some medical recommendations made, and 'have a nice day.’ I couldn’t have been more wrong.

My Lifeforce clinician couldn’t have been more engaging, curious, earnest, and genuinely personable if she tried. She went out of her way to ask me questions not just about diet and exercise but about who I was as a human being and what I was experiencing in life. She was also able to help me understand direct correlations between how I was experiencing life and how those experiences can show up in the numbers. The session really helped me see the power I have in not only influencing how long I get to be on this planet, but the quality of what that can look like.

For the first time, I was able to comprehend how stress, sleep quality, and healthy relationships are just as important as a diet and exercise. I was able to ask as many questions as was needed, the session was never rushed, and if I didn’t understand something, my Lifeforce clinician explained it to me at an eye-to-eye level, never making me feel talked down to. It was compassionate care at its finest and I genuinely believe that she is rooting for me to win.

What goals have you set for yourself?

I’ve set a realistic weight loss goal of 15 pounds and I’m already down five! I started cycling during this time and have truly fallen in love with it, so it feels like competing in a sprint triathlon is somewhere in the not too distant future. I’ve also made the taking of healthy supplements something that I do as consistently as everything else, as opposed to once in a while. My clinician helped me set some goals for my bad cholesterol which wasn’t out of control but was definitely knocking on the door. I’m confident that number is heading in the right direction.

What kinds of improvements have you seen since starting your journey?

In just a couple of months, I am sleeping demonstrably better than I was before. My energy has rebounded and come full circle and I am prioritizing joy in my life — in a way I wasn’t before. I’ve gotten myself back into consistent therapy to tend to my mental health and I am paying better attention to what I’m putting into my body and when, acknowledging that perfection does not exist and is unattainable. On the days that I can’t get to the gym, instead of beating myself up, I simply go for a walk and come home smiling.

To follow Selema’s journey, find him on Instagram at @selema. And to start prioritizing your health and longevity, learn more about Lifeforce and join Selema HERE.