April 24, 2023

From Average to Optimized: The Lifeforce Membership, Explained


Imagine yourself in your regular routine. How would you rate your average energy on a scale of one to five? Five being bursting with energy, full of drive. One being so low you can barely get through the day. Be honest, where are you living most of the time?

We know from speaking to 5,000 people that the average response is…well, average. Not terrible, not amazing, just average. But why exactly is that? Why are so many people walking around feeling average?

From Average…to Optimized

For some, the root cause may be physical (think: a hormone imbalance or critical nutrient deficiency). According to our data:

  • 20% of our members' biomarkers are out of their optimal range.

  • 15% have a vitamin D deficiency that’s affecting their energy, sleep, and recovery.

  • 1 in 4 has a hormone imbalance impacting their energy, body fat, mood, and strength.

For others, feeling sub-optimal may be connected to something deeper, like a limiting belief. Maybe that’s feeling unworthy of prioritizing your health, or believing this is simply what getting older is supposed to be. Feeling less energized, less motivated, less fit, less yourself than what you used to be.

The good news is it’s possible to understand what’s getting in the way of living at your peak. And it starts with access to the right information, the right tools, and the right support.

From Average to Optimized: The Lifeforce Membership, Explained

The Lifeforce Membership, Explained

The Lifeforce Membership is a single solution designed to help you take control of your health and stop settling for average.

With the Lifeforce Membership, you’ll get:
  1. Continuous Performance Tracking. Every three months, we’ll draw your blood to see where you’re performing well — and what needs work — based on 40+ biomarkers that drive your mental and physical health, all from the comfort of your home.

  2. A Plan That’s 1 of 1. From that data, we create your personalized plan including advanced nutraceuticals, lifestyle recommendations, and hormone therapy to help get you back in balance.

  3. Expert Clinical Support. No plan is complete without ultra-personalized care from our team of experienced functional medicine doctors, board certified in functional medicine, endocrinology, and performance-based medicine. Members also receive a certified health coach for one-on-one coaching and accountability — all just a text away.

One more membership perk: You’ll get 20% off all Lifeforce nutraceuticals so you have everything you need to stay at your peak.

Michelle's Story: How I Reclaimed My Life, Health, and Inner Power With Lifeforce

Real Members, Real Results

Need another reason to take the first step? Check out Michelle’s story here. And she’s not alone: 85% of Lifeforce members report improvements in quality of life within three months. Many will also see improvements in these five biomarkers after their first retest.

Ready to prioritize your health and reimagine what your body is capable of? Head HERE to learn more about the Lifeforce Membership. You deserve to feel like you again, only better.

*Results will vary based on individual medical histories, personalized treatment regimens, lifestyle, and additional factors.

Originally published on January 18, 2023. Updated on April 24, 2023.