January 15, 2025

12 Ways We Optimized Our Members’ Health & Longevity In 2024

Allie Baker

As we move forward into a new year, we’re also looking back and celebrating our members’ 2024 wellness wins. 

“I have seen so many members make significant improvements, including enhancing how they look and feel, optimizing their longevity risk factors, minimizing the number of medications they need, reducing their biological age, and more,” says Lifeforce Clinician Renae Thomas, MD, MPH. “Never before have I seen so many people so enthusiastic to improve their health.”

Lifeforce has given our members the diagnostic tools, knowledge, and support they need to succeed. “We proactively address people’s risk for diseases using robust diagnostics and evidence-based, holistic treatment protocols,” says Lifeforce Medical Director Vinita Tandon, MD. “We are turning the typical sick care model on its head and intervening much sooner to prevent the development of these conditions that ultimately lead to shorter, sicker lifespans.”

Through quarterly biomarker blood testing and self-reported questionnaires, Lifeforce tracks how our members are optimizing their health, performance, and longevity. Here are just a few of the life-changing stats we gathered to help you feel inspired for 2025 and beyond.

12 Ways We Optimized Our Members’ Health & Longevity In 2024: Lifescore1. Lifescore 

59% of members improved their Lifescore, with an average improvement of 11%.

What it is: To calculate your Lifescore, we analyze more than 50 key biomarkers, your health history, and clinical data, and boil it down to one number between 1 and 100. “The Lifescore can be thought of like a credit score for your health, encompassing your quality of life scores, lifestyle behaviours, personal and family medical history, risk factors, biomarkers, and more. It’s a great summary of your overall health,” Dr. Thomas explains. 

Why it matters: According to Dr. Thomas, “Many health conditions are considered ‘improved’ if a patient improves by 5%. We doubled that in the majority of our members.” That’s a major win for how you’ll feel, function, and perform for years to come. 

“This is huge!” says Dr. Tandon. “Our goal is to not only promote longevity but ensure that those additional years are healthy and high functioning. By improving the Lifescore, that’s exactly what we’re achieving.”

How we optimized it: “I believe the driving factors for improvement were members working with their health coaches on nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress, and mindset,” Dr. Thomas says. “This was combined with medical review and education, personalized supplementation, targeted medication and hormones, and tracking biomarkers objectively every three months, with regular and tailored adjustments as indicated.”

2. Biological Age

38% of members lowered their biological age.
On average, our members have biological ages that are 7 years younger than their chronological age. 

What it is: The age on your driver’s license may be very different from your body’s internal age. Biological age tells a story of how slowly or rapidly you’re aging on a cellular level. The Biological Age Algorithm — which was developed by scientists from Yale, UCLA, and the NIH — examines 9 specific biomarkers including albumin, creatinine, glucose, and hsCRP.

Why it matters: Who doesn’t want to feel years younger than they are? Plus, “the younger someone appears biologically, the longer they are likely to live free of disease and disability,” Dr. Thomas says. “I’m sure most people would take an extra five years of life in good health, so that is a huge achievement for our members.”

How we optimized it: “This is often a difficult metric to improve, especially in just a few months. People often underestimate how much control they have over the speed at which they age, and this exemplifies that,” Dr. Tandon says. To turn back the clock, we helped members take control of their immune function, blood sugar, inflammation, and nutrition. “Our members focused on optimizing sleep, lowering stress levels, exercising regularly, eating unprocessed foods, and working with us on personally-tailored supplementation,” says Dr. Thomas.

12 Ways We Optimized Our Members’ Health & Longevity In 2024: Quality of Life3. Quality of Life

54% of members reported enhanced quality of life. 

What it is: The Quality of Life score indicates how you’re feeling and functioning in your everyday life. It’s based on self-reported ratings for factors like energy, focus, alertness, mood, libido, and body composition. 

Why it matters: Feel better now, and you’ll live longer and stronger later. “There is substantial data that how we feel and function in our younger years is correlated not only with how we will feel and function in our older years, but also with morbidity and mortality risk,” Dr. Tandon says. “To have the majority of our members improve this score is like putting a deposit in the bank for a withdrawal later. Helping people get stronger and improve their energy, mood, and sleep reduces their risk for heart disease, osteoporosis, and dementia when they’re older.”

How we optimized it: “This will vary a lot on the individual, but I believe optimizing hormones, improving energy levels, and members feeling better with their body composition contributes significantly here,” Dr. Thomas says.

12 Ways We Optimized Our Members’ Health & Longevity In 2024: Cardiovascular Risk4. Cardiovascular Risk 

50% of members lowered their cardiovascular risk. 

What it is: This measurement encompasses your risk of developing cardiovascular disease, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke. 

Why it matters: “Cardiovascular disease remains the number one cause of death in the United States,” says Dr. Thomas. (Even scarier, more than half of Americans don’t realize that heart disease is the number one killer, according to a 2023 poll.) “Knowing that half of our members have lowered their cardiovascular risk could not speak any louder for our focus on optimizing members’ healthspan and longevity,” says Dr. Thomas. 

How we optimized it: The key is catching cardiovascular issues early. “Our robust cardiovascular lab panel gives a truer picture of someone’s risk for heart disease and better prognostic indicators that allow for earlier intervention before it’s too late,” Dr. Tandon says. Effective strategies include implementing a Mediterranean-style eating plan, regular physical activity, optimizing cholesterol levels, and reducing inflammation and stress. Adds Dr. Tandon, “We were able to intervene proactively and reduce this risk within 3 to 6 months. This translates to up to 20 extra years of being free of heart disease in those who are high risk.”

5. Cancer Risk 

37% of members reduced their cancer risk. 

What it is: Using select biomarkers and lifestyle factors, this metric assesses your general cancer risk. 

Why it matters: “Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States, and arguably one of the most feared diagnoses one can experience in their life,” Dr. Thomas says. “To lower one’s cancer risk not only helps support longevity, but also helps to reduce health fears and anxiety in many of our members.”

How we optimized it: “Cancer risk is multifactorial, but one thing that we often underestimate is how much of the risk is in our control,” Dr. Tandon explains. “Lifestyle behaviors and improving things like weight, blood sugar, and liver health all help reduce cancer risk, even if someone might be genetically predisposed.” 

At Lifeforce, we aim to reduce inflammation and optimize immune function with produce-rich nutrition, explains Dr. Thomas. We also work with our members to keep up with their regular screening tests, such as a colonoscopy and breast imaging, and to reduce modifiable risk factors like smoking and alcohol intake.

12 Ways We Optimized Our Members’ Health & Longevity In 2024: Vitamin D6. Vitamin D

76% of members increased their vitamin D levels, with an average improvement of 61%.

What it is: Vitamin D is not actually a vitamin at all — it’s a hormone that supports strong bones and a healthy cardiovascular, immune, and nervous system. 

Why it matters: Up to 40% of Americans are deficient in D. And while vitamin D is the sunshine vitamin, the less sunny news is that as we age, our bodies don’t utilize the vitamin D we get from the sun as efficiently. 

How we optimized it: Vitamin D-rich foods like fish and eggs can boost levels, but Dr. Tandon warns it’s often nearly impossible to get the daily recommended amount through food alone. That’s where our proprietary Vitamin D+K supplement comes in. Our clinician-grade formula includes a highly bioavailable form of vitamin D, CELLg8®, which has been shown to significantly raise vitamin D levels thanks to its liposomal delivery system. “In the past, I’ve seen some people get results using other brands of vitamin D supplements, but not consistently like we’re seeing with Vitamin D+K, and not to the same extent,” says Dr. Tandon. “With others, based on my experience, you might see an increase from 30 to 40 ng/mL, whereas with ours we’re seeing 50 to 100, which is amazing.”

12 Ways We Optimized Our Members’ Health & Longevity In 2024: Testosterone7. Testosterone 

68% of male members and 70% of female members increased their total testosterone. 

What it is: Testosterone is a sex hormone and the primary androgen found in men and women. Men typically produce significantly more androgens than women, but they are also present — and essential — in women.

Why it matters: “I truly believe the biomarker that many of our members look at first is their testosterone levels,” Dr. Thomas says. “Testosterone is essential for energy, mood, sleep, body composition, strength, physical performance, recovery, focus, cognition, motivation, and libido in both sexes.” 

Research shows that testosterone levels decline 1 to 2% each year starting in the mid-30s. “This is a big reason why people don’t feel as great as they get older,” Dr. Tandon adds. “Lower testosterone is also a contributing factor to developing age-related chronic diseases like diabetes. Improving these levels as soon as we see them declining can significantly prevent or delay the onset of these conditions in addition to improving how people feel and function.”

Our members experienced impactful improvements in 2024. Forty-four percent of male members and 62% of female members saw a testosterone increase of at least 20%, with many achieving even greater results. 

How we optimized it: Lifestyle habits like quality sleep, stress management, and strength training are strong ways to boost testosterone, according to Dr. Thomas. We also offer targeted supplementation such as DHEA, the precursor to testosterone, and testosterone replacement therapies

8. Homocysteine 

61% of members lowered their homocysteine levels, with an average improvement of 19%.

What it is: This is an amino acid byproduct that increases for multiple reasons, such as low methylated B vitamins, excess methionine, alcohol, and smoking, hormone imbalances, certain medications, genetics, particular health problems, lifestyle behaviors, and more.

Why it matters: “I think of homocysteine as the biomarker everyone should know about, but often do not,” Dr. Thomas says. “It is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease, stroke, blood clots, dementia, and cognitive decline, and can often be fairly easily corrected, significantly reducing one’s risk.”

How we optimized it: To lower homocysteine, we encourage members to cut back on their alcohol intake, reduce excessive animal proteins, and add more leafy greens to their diet, Dr. Thomas explains. We also offer a clinical-grade Methylation supplement, which specifically targets homocysteine and supports liver detoxification, gut health, and hormone balance. “This major improvement in members' homocysteine levels speaks to the quality of our Methylation supplement,” Dr. Tandon says.

12 Ways We Optimized Our Members’ Health & Longevity In 2024: LDL Cholesterol9. LDL Cholesterol 

53% of members reduced their LDL, with an average improvement of 17%. 

What it is: LDL, which stands for low-density lipoprotein, is a particle that carries fats throughout the bloodstream. It is often dubbed the “bad cholesterol” (or “L” for lousy).

Why it matters: “LDL, especially small/dense LDL particles, are a leading risk factor for atherosclerosis, heart disease, stroke, and cognitive decline,” says Dr. Thomas. “LDL can be a ‘silent killer,’ as there are often no symptoms in the early stages, so catching this early in bloodwork is a key preventative strategy.” 

Unfortunately, this critical biomarker is often overlooked in traditional medicine. “Our clinician team was surprised to hear how many people have lived with elevated LDL for years without any intervention from their regular physicians,” Dr. Tandon says. “That means they’ve been progressively developing atherosclerosis and plaque, which is setting them up for a cardiac event that can shorten their life by an average of 16 years.”

How we optimized it: According to Dr. Thomas, we typically focus on an unprocessed Mediterranean-style nutrition plan, lowering saturated fats, and increasing Omega-3 fatty acids and fiber. This may be complemented with targeted supplementation, such as Omega or Peak Healthspan™, and when indicated, medical therapy like Rosuvastatin, which helps reduce the production of cholesterol by the liver and eliminates cholesterol from the bloodstream. “A 17% reduction of LDL levels is over half of the reduction one can expect from statin therapy, so this improvement is quite impressive!” Dr. Thomas notes.

12 Ways We Optimized Our Members’ Health & Longevity In 2024: Energy Levels10. Energy Levels

30% of members reported higher energy levels, with an average improvement of 33%. 

What it is: In this self-reported metric, members rate how energized or lethargic they feel throughout the day. 

Why it matters: “If I had to pick the most common symptom I hear from members that they want to improve, it’s their energy levels,” Dr. Thomas says. “I often tell members that it’s hard to be healthy when you’re tired, so improving energy is usually one of the first areas we focus on. It’s essential so you can then have the ability to work out and buy and prepare healthy food.”

How we optimized it: “We’re able to significantly improve one-third of our members’ energy levels within just three months due to a combination of sleep optimization, hormone optimization, and lifestyle behaviors,” Dr. Tandon says. Some of these shifts include managing stress, eating an unprocessed health-promoting nutrition plan, exercising regularly, and restoring critical nutrients

11. Stress Levels

30% of members reported feeling less stressed, with an average improvement of 33%. 

What it is: While stress is a natural response to perceived threats, excess and chronic stress in everyday life has a significant effect on physical and mental wellness. 

Why it matters: “Uncontrolled stress can impact health more than people typically realize, such as by increasing cortisol levels, impacting blood sugar and blood pressure regulation, and making quality sleep challenging,” Dr. Thomas says. The stress hormone cortisol can also contribute to low libido, mood changes, and weight gain. 

How we optimized it: “We know how tough it is to manage stress, and truthfully, it’s extremely hard to manage it alone,” Dr. Tandon says. Thankfully, our members have support to stress less. “Members work with their Lifeforce health coaches on stress management techniques and coping strategies, which may include personally-tailored supplementation focused on lowering stress and/or optimizing sleep,” Dr. Thomas says. Peak Rest™ and Magnesium help support these goals.

12 Ways We Optimized Our Members’ Health & Longevity In 2024: Higher Libido12. Libido 

29% of members reported a higher libido, with an average improvement of 100%. 

What it is: Libido encompasses the physical, emotional, and motivational aspects that impact sex drive and arousal. 

Why it matters: “Sexual health is such an important topic and often one that is sorely neglected in traditional healthcare. It’s also something that really takes a hit as we get older due to changes in hormones, vascular health, and emotional health,” Dr. Tandon says. “We intentionally wanted to include biomarkers that would prompt discussion around it and give our members an opportunity to address it with their clinicians.” 

How we optimized it: “To improve libido, we typically focus on lifestyle factors that influence hormones — such as sleep, alcohol intake, nutrition, and strength training — along with supportive supplementation and hormone replacement if indicated,” Dr. Thomas says. “We also offer as-needed interventions, such as medications and peptides.” Options include PT-141, a peptide formulated to improve libido and arousal in both men and women, Sildenafil Arousal Cream for women, and Tadalafil to treat erectile dysfunction in men. 

In addition to these measurable improvements, Lifeforce also provides an invaluable human connection. “What I hear the most from members is that they really appreciate the time we have to sit with them, truly listen to their concerns and questions, and explain their biomarkers in detail,” Dr. Thomas says. “Understanding your health and what is going on in your own body is the first step to optimizing it.”

Ready to take control of your health and experience your own life-changing results? Learn more about the Lifeforce Membership here

This article was medically reviewed by: 

  • Renae Thomas, MD, MPH; ABFM Board Certified in Family Medicine, ABPM Board Certified in Public Health, & General Preventive Medicine; ABLM Board Certified in Lifestyle Medicine

  • Vinita Tandon, MD, ABIM Board Certified in Endocrinology and Metabolism